Automatic Nesting Solution
W160 CWZ Shallot Oil Sauce 12*232G-12months
W159 CWZ Green and Red Chili Sauce 12*235G-12months
W158 CWZ Roasted Chili Sauce With Eggplant 12*230G-12months
W157 CWZ Roasted Chili Sauce 12*235G-12months
W68 WZH Sesame&Peanut paste 30*225G-18months
W156 YaoMaZi Hot Pot Dishes Seasoning 30*300G-12months
W155 YaoMaZi Hot Pot Dishes Seasoning 60*150G-12months
W154 YaoMaZi Green Pepper Spicy Sauce 15*248G-12months
W153 YaoMaZi Pepper Minced Garlic Sauce 15*248G-12months
W152 YaoMaZi Green Pepper with Bamboo Shoot Sauce 15*248G-12months
W151 YaoMaZi Spicy Green Pepper Oil Juice-All Dishes Fit 20*200G-12months
W150 YaoMaZi Spicy Red Oil Juice-All Dishes Fit 20*200G-12months