Automatic Nesting Solution
MC08 Pure Five Kernel Mooncake (G) 12*4*180G-24months
MC07 Single Yolk Five Kernel Mooncake (H) 12*4*180G-24months
MC06 Pure Red Bean Paste Mooncake (F) 12*4*180G-24months
MC05 Single Yolk Red Bean Paste Mooncake (E) 12*4*180G-24months
MC04 Double Yolk Red Bean Paste Mooncake (D) 12*4*180G-24months
MC03 Pure White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake (C) 12*4*180G-24months
MC02 Single Yolk and White Lotus Paste Mooncake(B) 12*4*180G-24months
MC01 Double Yolk and White Lotus Paste Mooncake(A) 12*4*180G-24months